Tuesday, 29 April 2014

ABC dating

ABC dating, let me set your minds from racing. Yes I'm still happily in a relationship with Simon and no we are not embarking on some sort of open relationship.

I heard about ABC dating from a friend at work and they way it works is, you go on a series of dates with your partner or friends working your way through the alphabet. So your first date could be afternoon tea and so on, but make sure you go through the alphabet - no skipping from A to G and then back to B. 

I mentioned this to Simon and I must admit he didn't really seem that keen to begin with but the deal is, if I think of a good enough date for each letter then we can do it, well that's a good enough yes for me. I can't wait to do this as I think it is such a great idea to get out and actually do something with your partner. 

I have also heard that you're meant to go on a date once every two weeks, so it takes you a year to go through the alphabet. But I think due to my circumstances of being in a long distance relationship, I won't being doing a alphabet date every two weeks that is for sure. 

I hope to blog about all of our dates but first I need to get thinking on what to do for A, as I don't think Simon will be up for afternoon tea. 

Has anyone heard of this / doing ABC dating themselves? I would love to hear from you and maybe get some inspiration for some dates.

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