Saturday, 26 April 2014

A note to my younger self

Hi Soph, 

You've just turn 14 and I know you're thinking you're so grown up but let me cut to the chase, you've got a long way to go girl. 

Let me start with something that I know is consuming your life at the moment, boys or one particular boy in fact. Yeah so that guy at school, you think he's amazing and although he is probably good for someone, that someone is not you. Do you think it's OK for him to say he likes you, to ask you out and then dump you a week or two later? Let me tell you, it's not OK and one day soon you're going to realise that. It's OK though because you will meet someone who really is amazing. You will meet him at university, yes you go to university - fancy that. You'll see him around class for the first couple of years but it's not until your last year that you get close to him. Sorry you have to wait so long to meet a nice guy like him, but don't worry he's worth it. 

So university, you never ever thought you would go but you do go, to Portsmouth in fact and it will be three of the best years of your life. You'll meet some amazing friends and as I said above, you'll meet an amazing guy. But if there is something I've learnt being my 23 year old self, is that you really do need to try harder. Try hard in everything you do because you may even surprise yourself. 

Lastly, I want you to cherish your family because they will always be there for you. You never know what's around the corner, so please take to time to call and visit your loved ones.

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