Wednesday 18 September 2013

Crazy cat lady

I recently posted a couple of cute pictures of my cats on Instagram and have received quite a few 'likes' since - well what I consider to be quite a few 'likes' anyway. So I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to my lovely cats (sorry if you're not a cat lover).

Here is Daisy, she is 5 and a half years old, she's a mum to Wooly and Alfie and you only have to say fish in my house and she'll start meowing in delight.  She gave birth to Wooly and Alfie a year and a half ago and for the first few months she was a loving mother. She even hid them from me as I was constantly peeking at them trying to take photos. But that has all changed now, she hates them and hisses at them whenever they try to come near her. Poor boys.

Here is Wooly, he's a bit dopey but we love him. Wooly loves marbles, there are marbles dotted all around our house where he picks them up, plays with them and then loses them, he even puts them in our shoes. He is certainly a character.

Last but not least, here is Alfie. He is very much like Daisy in his markings, with his white lip and one black toe being the only real visible difference between them. Alfie and Daisy can certainly stand up for themselves if they ever get into a fight, where as Wooly will run straight indoors at the first sniff of trouble.

Here is a cute photo of when Wooly and Alfie were kittens. The photo after this was taken a few days ago.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about my lovely cats, I probably look/sound like even more of a crazy cat lady now...


  1. Aww, cute cats :) I had cats growing up before getting my 2 dalmatians. I would consider myself more of a dog person, but cats are lovely too and definitely have a personality!

    1. Thanks :) I know I love their personalities!
