Thursday 30 January 2014

Argan Oil, Nourishing Miracle Oil // Beauty Review

I have thick and sometimes dry hair so I was in desperate need for some nourishment to put on my hair after washing it and before blow drying it. My mum thankfully bought me this Argan Oil for Christmas and I love it. My hair looks and feels like it is in such good condition, I am very impressed. 

After washing my hair I wrap it in a towel and then do my makeup whilst it soaks up some of the moisture. As I have heard it is bad for your hair if you towel dry it, so I really try not to do this. After unraveling my hair I rub a couple of pumps of oil into my hands. I then apply it through the lengths of my hair and finally I apply the rest to my roots. I am careful not to apply too much to the top of my hair as I don't want it to look greasy.

I love the way my hair feels so soft and as I have said my hair really does look like it is in good condition. I will definitely buy this when it runs out. By this rate that will be months and months from now as I'm only using two/three pumps every time I wash my hair, which is every other day. So well worth the £11.99 price tag from Boots in my opinion.

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