Tuesday, 18 February 2014

New exercise class: Bunny Hop

Photo taken from the Bunny Hop website

Bunny Hop, so what's it all about? Well in short you dance, tone and laugh for an hour, oh and burn up to 700 calories as well. Here's how Bunny Hop is quickly becoming my new favourite fitness activity...

When my mum suggested starting a new exercise class she had seen advertised in our local paper called Bunny Hop, I'll tell the truth I scrunched up my face immediately. All I could visualise was hopping about like a bunny and I wasn't really up for anything like that. Despite my initial thoughts it didn't take her long to convince me. We have been going for 6 weeks now and WE LOVE IT.

The class consists of a warm up, a couple of dances, some toning tracks (with 1 lb toning sticks), the power 6 (or 6 dances to you and I), another 2 toning tracks and then a cool down. Like many another classes, Bunny Hop is an hour long and you dance to a mixture of current music and some pop classics. I love the toning tracks as sometimes in dance classes you can neglect your arms, so together with squats, punches and jumping about, you really do feel like you are working hard. With a tagline of  '700 calories, 1 hour' I have yet to actually prove if this is true or not but one thing is for sure I definitely do work up a sweat.

Our fab instructor, Louise mentions that if we want to go low, go low, if we want to go high, go high, if we want to have water, have water. She is one of the best instructors I have had, she's funny, puts in heaps of effort, explains the dance before doing it and writes a intriguing blog too. 

There are 12 locations with 20 classes throughout the week in the South East of England. If you're interested check out their website 

Also if you want to read Louise our instructor's blog, check out The Blogging Bunny here